HaloSPA and Halotherapy
A little bit of history:
Curative properties of natural salt caves has been known from the ancient times. Workers of salt mines never suffered from lung diseases and rarely took cold. It was found that salt mine environment has curative effect for people with respiratory and skin problems, that wounds were skinned over faster during long staying in salt caves. The treatment with salt cave microclimate was studied in 19th century and called speleotherapy, from greek «speleon» - «cave». In 1858 the first underground health resort with specialization in respiratory conditions was organized in Polish city Wieliczka. For treatments there was used salt cave microclimat rich with dry salt aerosol of superfine dispersion. The present days speleotherapy has gained general acceptance as effective medication-free method of natural medicine. There are some natural salt mines known to be used for therapeutic purposes in many countries, such as Austria (Solzbad-Salzeman), Rumania (Sieged), Poland (Wieliczka), Azerbaijan (Nakhichevan), Kirgizia (Chon-Tous), Ukraine (Solotvino; Artiomovsk) and others. The desire to make the healing features of a salt cave's microclimate available to many people prompted the search for ways to artificially reconstruction of this therapeutic process. During the early 1990's in Saint Petersburg, Russia this method of recreating a salt cave's microclimate was studied thoroughly and called "halotherapy" ("hals" in Greek is "salt"). |
After many researches the author of the method, Prof. Alina Chervinskaya together with colleagues-engineers went further than creating a simple reconstruction of a "typical" dry salt aerosol cave but they has developed and technically realized unique solutions of professional controlled halotherapy that is succesfully started to be applied in hospitals, policlinics, balneology centers and schools in Russia, CIS and Pribaltic countries.
Researches of application and efficacy of halotherapy in almost healthy people such as smokers, visitors of health resorts, spa hotels, day spa centers, showed that the method of controlled salt influence is useful and favorable for health improvement, lung hygiene, mental and emotional state improvement during halo wellness procedures. So Halomed has developped the new concept of halotherapy application to improve the quality of life and named it HaloSPA*.
Since 2006, many of European health resorts, spa and fitness centers have been offering this efficient HaloSPA service, which enables to bring well being to respiratory system and psycho emotional state.
Solutions of Halomed for Halotherapy/HaloSPA realizations are designed for:
- therapy and prophylaxis of lungs and respiratory tract diseases **
- therapy and assistance at allergies **
- treatment of cardiovascular diseases (along with lung diseases)**;
- treatment of some skin problems**
- respiratory hygiene
- enhancement of cardiovascular system
- prevention of often colds and viral infections
- improvement of skin conditions
- enhancement of immune system (also for children)
- cleansing of smoker's lungs and bronchus including passive smokers and relief in giving up smoking
- relax and improvement of psychoemotional state
- anti aging effect
* HaloSPA is registered trademark of Halomed UAB.
** Medical application of halotherapy with medical device halogenerator and with conformity to applied local norms.